Awesome Online Monthly Meetups 

Join The Collective (it's free)

Why join the meetups?  

  • Being a refill store owner is lonely. Joining our monthly meetups provides you with the best mastermind group you could ask for.
  • Brands, connecting with refill store owners is challenging. Joining our monthly meetups provides you with an easy way to meet and help refilleries.
Join The Collective (it's free)

When + where do we meet?


When: 3-4 times each month (see upcoming events below)

Where: In the collective's community platform.

Log Into The Community Platform

 What happens during the meetups? 

1) Topics

2x/mo we tackle a different profitability challenge. 1-2x/mo an expert shares business advice.

2) Intros

Before we dive in, we give quick intros (name, business, location) so we can get to know one another.

3) Discuss

Join us on video and raise your hand if you have something to share or a question to ask.

Log Into The Community Platform

Meetup Recordings

Advanced Membership Access
  • Not able to join our live online meetups?
  • Have to step away from your computer during a meetup?

No worries. You can access all the recordings when you join our Advanced Membership. It's $20/month (cancel anytime).

Join The Collective's Advanced Membership

Start + Grow Your Refillery Business

Did you know a brick + mortar store isn't your only option? You actually have 7 ways to create a successful refill business. Understand the cost, marketing, and time commitment for each business model, so you can move forward with the one that will work best for you!

Get The Free Guide

Unsubscribe at any time.

Upcoming Events